Quality and sustainable education for marginalized groups

The Centre strives to provide democratic quality education conducted in English language unlike Government schools where Kiswahili is the language in practise, this is carried through the following:
- Develop child’s personality, talents and abilities.
- Encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.
- Linking the children to education system for education empowerment.
- To bring out the talents in kids through creative arts techniques.
Good uniform is a basic need

Education at all cost

Poverty derails quality education, this boy struggles to get education but poverty is a challenge to his health, shelter and food. Therefore, our projects struggles besides offering quality education to provide clothing, food and shelter to poor and orphaned children.
Many bright and needy children cannot perform well for they are psychologically disturbed by their poverty conditions. They think about many things instead of thinking about only education.
Some of the children from the middle income families laugh at their kind of uniforms, this makes many to have low self esteem and many stop going to school hence ending up in streets.
Even though the Government provides the so called free education which is not quality for instance you can find a class of 100 children which is very tiresome to the teacher and derails quality education.
Many single parent and poor families cannot even afford to get exercise books and pens to help them in taking notes at school.
The needs are very many and one wonders who will be a saviour to all the children with similar challenges, our project tries according to its strength but more support is needed from friends, similar organizations etc. Welcome at our Centre to give a helping hand towards this challenge.
Increasing the quality of life among marginalized groups and alleviating poverty in the community

The project create support programs aimed at applying fundamental principles of life and ideals to improve the lives of marginalized groups and their families. We do this through the following ways;
- Unfolding the children’s potential
- Offer life support, interpersonal, and entrepreneurship skills
- Practise and training of Sports and games.
- Organize regular group and personal peer couselling and guidance.
- Encourage participation among the children(e.g an opportunity for them to speak-out matters affecting them)
Promote access to healthcare & food for marginalized children

The Centre supports in the medical welfare of the children through the following ways;
- Increase access to good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food, and a clean environment and education on health and well-being so that children can stay healthy.
- Linking the children to health system (e.g National Health Insurance)
- Building and managing health centres and technical institutions for health issues
- Practise of horticultural Agriculture, (e.g cabbage, onions, tomatoes)
- The project supports the single parent and poor families with horticultural seeds, fertilizers/ pesticides and offers free supervision to ensure that the products are free from any danger.
- We expect to build some food store where we can store enough food during harvesting time to avoid poorpeople selling them at acheaper price to business men/ women and remain to buy the same products at a higher price, we can store them on their behalf for safety and for their own consumption when the need arises!!
Psychosocial support and re-unification process

The centre carries a major role of re-unifying the children with their families, relatives and the community, this is carried out in many ways;
- Restore and improve family ties to marginalized children who have experienced neglect, abuse, exploitation, torture receive special support to help them recover their health, dignity, self-respect and social life.
- Identify and visit their relatives, families and create trust,
- Empower the responsible woman in the family and mentor the responsible fathers
- Mediate the family with the child and reunify the child with the family
- Follow up family visits and support
Protecting children from violence, abuse and neglect

The children having a sleep in a safe place despite lacking of the bedding, beds and mattresses
Our Centre upholds the protection of abandoned kids & children, marginalized girls, children from poor families, street children from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and bad treatment by their seniors. It is carried out through the following ways;
- Identify them, create trust, offer them adult care, support their basic needs, and reunify them with their families.
- Empower the marginalized community i.e girls, women, street kids etc
- Offer street work services to children.
- Provide quality shelter
- Community outreach, awareness raising and advocacy.
Environmental protection
We strives to improve the environment of the children by making it clean and recycling some of the products being thrown out at the environment such as plastic bottles. We use the bottles to make seedling containers for tree, vegetable, onions, tomatoes etc seedlings. Trees help in the production of air which we breath, it helps facilitates the rain forming and the air it produces cleans the environment by providing fresh air to the environment to replace the used air.
Onions planted in used and recycled plastic bottles, the method uses very little water and makes maximum use of manure and fertilizers, it can also be used where one does not have enough land for farming. The use of the recycled bottles improves the protection of the environment.
We support the poor physically challenged children with wheelchairs and other related equipment to ease their mobility as they search for knowledge in special schools.